Thursday, December 15, 2011

Epoch Vector Variance

The time it takes to walk from downtown to campus is a rather flexible vector, if there is such a thing. For example, when I've been distracted by my favorite thrift store and the delightful elderly ladies within and consequently am late for a meeting with my academic adviser, the walk is excruciatingly lengthy. However, when I want to walk as a means of amusing myself until my fiancee gets off work so we can have a talk of a serious nature, I can't make it last very long at all. When I' m walking for the sake of pondering my musings over anonymous observations, it can take an entire day, and when I'm walking and talking with a good friend, well, that's when the real paradox occurs, for then, time ceases to exist.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Recent Trend

Something I've noticed lately is that I definitely am glad to be making and keeping some really awesome female friends. I've been "one of the guys" for really as long as I can remember, and really enjoy that position. However, there are some things a women just can't do or say around guys that they really should do or say, and that's where women come in.

With that out there, I've noticed recently that women like to talk about their experiences a lot, and when two women share a similar experience and can talk about it freely with one another, they are almost instantly friends. When I can make a friend because of something that's happened to me, even if the event was pretty crappy at the time, it makes me infinitely grateful.

Thank you so much, all of the women who will put up with coffeeing with me, listening to me ramble, and sharing your stories with me. You are the ones who really help me learn, grow, and enjoy my life.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Yes, sometimes our hearts ARE too big.
However, I think we'd take it over being hardened any day.
You and I,
we are queens of our own circumstance.