Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The hand with a brush

There are those who paint lives,
and then there are the beautiful hands of those who mix the colors and let them run to make their own unique, existential design.
These hands can support you, give you ideas, see what is really there behind the canvas.
Sometimes they are yours to hold, and sometimes they hold you.
They are the kind of hands that leave prints,
these hands that hold brushes,
these hands that are unafraid to create things beyond human existence.
they add color to you
and sometimes
your lines and shapes are what guide these hands.
They are the hands that reach and grasp the universe,
and succeed in their own ways.
They are the art-inspiring hands that will tell you,
"Your words could be the words to change lives,
they could be the best in the world,
but nobody will know unless you speak up."
They may not make masterpieces,
but I thank my brush-holders, and do my best
to show them the work of art they helped make.

I've been posting my work now for a year, and I will never forget the brush-holding hand that first told me I could.

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