Thursday, August 19, 2010

Shelter Dog

I walk past
you look at me
with such fear in your eyes
but also
as though you hope I will come in and hug you.

I grab a biscut from the pail
enter your chain-link pen
and you back into the furthest corner
with your tail between your legs

I see in your eyes
the pain
and can only wonder
what your old masters have done to you.
What have you endured?

I hold the biscuit out,
talking to you in a sweet, calm voice
and still you growl.

I set the biscuit down and back away.
Slowly, you come up and take it.

I get another.
Hold it out.
You come close to it,
but then back away at the last moment.

I give up.
I set the biscuit down,
and walk out of the pen.

As I turn to leave
your eyes say
that you and I both know I won't be coming back,
and that look is so familiar...

1 comment:

  1. I hate it when my poems foreshadow the future. Does this happen to anyone else?
