Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My Big, Brainy Curse

I'm so smart.
I analyze everything.
I don't go to anywhere
and comer back thinking
"that was a good time."

I think about
what every human was wearing
and why,
what everyone said
and what they meant,
the lyrics of the music that played,
the way the room was decorated,
how it all applies to society,
and how it applies to me.

Then, I contemplate exactly how
and to what extent
I feel about everything,
and put each emotion into a jar.
I have a jar for fear,
anger, joy, curiosity, impatience, excitement,
and when a jar gets full,
it doesn't overflow.
It explodes.

My emotions flow out
in words, sounds, motion,
and they are all as real
as the earth beneath my feet.

I don't understand the concept of
"not knowing how one feels",
because for me,
it's so easy.

I'm just too smart I guess.

My intelligence
is why I'm so hard to relate to.
My intelligence,
is why I'm so intense.
My intelligence
is why I'm so unhappy.

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