Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Mildly What-the-Hell

Kaylie isn't good when she's sleepy. I tried to write something, but it turned out like this. I thought it was funny enough to be worth sharing. This is why sleep is important, boys and girls.

The Bible is X-rated. It is. I don't know why Christians give everything G-ratings. They keep it G-rated because they can't offend anyone. It's very sad, because our message is so exciting, yet, because of our fear of offending, we are now boring. I'm so tired of daisies-for-brains Christianity. Don't think about it and faith is easy to come by, but it's when we study and think about things it is when our faith is strong. It is when we ponder the Bible that it speaks to us. The Bible is not G-rated at all, so why are Christians? Good people aren't just uncool people because there are so many times when excrement occurest to nearly blameless people. I for one am very attractive, but every story addresses this. This story was not summerizeable. I don't like the self-righousness of so i don't know what's the Japan and I need to sleep junk food fix the it all. I am so tired. I need caffine and to stop stressing! This is probably an interesting class, but my brain is trying so deperately to shadow. I blame pineapple. Why? I think that nice a piece of music because they all have the right chords, but the peices that play the wrong ones and nobody will be able tonally it and they'd love it despite the bad pile of shit under Omelas bad. Instant answers to religious questions is pansy ass and will get you nowhere. Where religion dies and a true relationship with Jesus Christ begins is where things get turkeybutt the moose you ponder Christ the closer the you come to him! The hard stuff is what makes him so great! If being a Christian is easy, you're doing it wrong. Its the faith battle in your head and the desire to grasp that makes Christianity worth it. If your faith is based in fairytale churchland themes then your relatinship with him will be just as empty. You get out of everything by not thinking but you, in turn get nothing back. Intern. That's a funny word. A God you can understand would be less than yourself.

So...I think I had a point...maybe?

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