Friday, April 30, 2010


Kind of Dr. Seuss, but what the hell?

With some people it is better if you both just let alone.
With some people you can stop and say "hey".
With some people you can walk into the same coffee shop
acting as different characters every day.

Some people are nice to hug.
Some people need to take showers.
With some people you can talk
until all of night's 1oo, 200, 300 hours.

Some people you can beat up for fun.
Some people you can tease.
With some people you can argue
over the best kind of cheese.

With some people you can cry.
With some people you cannot.
Some people will cry with you
and they never mind your snot.

Some people tell you secrets.
Some people tell you lies.
Some people tell you everything
before saying there goodbyes.

Some people are good for talking.
Some people are good for a laugh.
Some people you can tell
that they look like a giraffe.

Some people stay for a day.
Some people stay forever.
Who knows when people will leave you, really?
Some people don't, however.

The people who leave are pointless
The people who stay are gold.
The people you seem to want to stay
sometimes leave before they get old.

Some people make you dinner.
Some people make it well.
Some people make it not-so-well,
but still make your heart swell.

Some people break your property.
Some people break your heart.
Some people break your spirit.
Some do it simply when they depart.

Some people you should cherish.
Some people you should let go.
Some people you should just thank God
you had a chance to know.

For some people, you thank friends.
For some people, you thank your mother.
For the joys of some, however,
you have yourself to thank, and none other.

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